Friday, July 27, 2012

Opening this week

Dustin Putman's Movie Reviews

Opening This Week:

(Apologies for the incorrect subject line on the previous email!)

<> Ruby Sparks
★★★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - Deals in a scenario that is not, by the basic laws of reason
and physics, possible, but everything else about the film is nothing short
of believable. "Ruby Sparks" is delicate, unassuming, and, like Ruby
herself, kind of difficult not to fall for.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> Step Up: Revolution
★★½ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - Works in spite of its familiarity because director Scott Speer
and first-time scribe Jenny Mayer believe in what they've made. Together,
they've found a beating heart and a glimmer of social consciousness to go
along with the show-stopping dance theatrics.
<> Read the Full
Review >>
New Capsule Reviews:
<> Step Up (2006) |
<> Step Up 2: The
Streets (2008) | <>
Step Up 3 (2010)

<> The Watch
★★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - There are niggling hints throughout "The Watch" that the film
coming to theaters is not the one that was originally intended. If this
suspicion is incorrect, then at the very least a lot of material must have
found its way to the cutting room floor.
<> Read the Full Review

ⓒ 2012 Dustin Putman