Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Appliance buying tips

If you are thinking of buying appliances, keep some of these points in mind.

1) Extended warranties typically don't pay.

2) Price is always negotiable

3) Energy star doesn't guarantee savings

4) Free hauling can cost the planet

5) Smaller appliances are often cheaper online

To read the full article, click here

BJGE NEWS 10.30.11

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October Snow

BJGE NEWS 10.29.11

Friday, October 28, 2011

BJGE NEWS 10.28.11

For your weekend entertainment consideration........

Opening This Week:

<> Anonymous
★ (out of ★★★★)

In Select Cities - "Anonymous" is muddled beyond belief, a prestigious-
looking debacle of weakly ineffectual screenwriting, inane casting that
only serves to confuse its time-jumping narrative, and an alienating lack
of human connection for characters who, almost to a fault, are physically
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> In Time
★★½ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - Even if the rest of it had been a wash, "In Time" would still
have a socko, attention-clenching premise, the kind of uncannily ingenious
idea that one would expect to have been taken from a Philip K. Dick or Ray
Bradbury novella. Instead, believe it or not, the film is an original work,
written and directed by Andrew Niccol in an era where creative output is
frowned upon in Hollywood.
<> Read the Full Review

<> Martha Marcy May
★★½ (out of ★★★★)

In Select Cities - Whether or not this firmly spirited indie becomes a
breakout success, the one element destined to be remembered is the
strikingly complex performance of newcomer Elizabeth Olsen. This is Olsen's
picture all the way; she is such the captivating centerpiece that everyone
else should feel lucky to be in her orbit.
<> Read the Full Review >>

<> Puss in Boots
★½ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - When "Puss in Boots" is over, having gone nowhere special,
aspired only one or two laughs, and touched no hearts, it is difficult not
to dwell on what a lost cause the film has been. Where are Shrek, Fiona and-
gulp-Donkey when you need them?
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> The Rum Diary
★½ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - "The Rum Diary" will not be winning an award for truth in
advertising; rum is in short supply and a diary might have come in handy to
understand who Paul Kemp is beneath the surface. That is, if the viewer had
been given a reason to care in the first place.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

ⓒ 2011 Dustin Putman

Thursday, October 27, 2011

BJGE NEWS 10.27.11

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Most expensive restaurants in the USA

Which ones have you been to?

BJGE NEWS 10.25.11

Monday, October 24, 2011

BJGE NEWS 10.24.11 is out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Helpful winter preparation hints from BJGE

Just a quick note to thank you for your continued support over the years.
As we enter the fall and winter seasons please accept these helpful hints
and related links to maintain the safety of your home or office:

1) Winterize your external faucets

2) change batteries in your smoke alarms and check carbon monoxide

3) change the filters on your heating/air-conditioning system

4) if your heating system has a humidifier, turn it on now and set it
on medium

5) check your gutters in two weeks and remove leaves and limbs

6) stock up on Ice melt and salt for your walkways and driveway

7) check flash light batteries and locations

8) keep a blanket, ice/snow scraper, water and emergency kit in your

9) follow these safety tips if you have young kids

10) winterize your home

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, we are available at any time
to answer or address them for you and if you would like to receive the BJGE
daily news roundup, click here <> and then click on the "subscribe" link.

Helpful winter preparation hints from BJGE

Just a quick note to thank you for your continued support over the years.
As we enter the fall and winter seasons please accept these helpful hints
and related links to maintain the safety of your home or office:

1) Winterize your external faucets

2) change batteries in your smoke alarms and check carbon monoxide

3) change the filters on your heating/air-conditioning system

4) if your heating system has a humidifier, turn it on now and set it
on medium

5) check your gutters in two weeks and remove leaves and limbs

6) stock up on Ice melt and salt for your walkways and driveway

7) check flash light batteries and locations

8) keep a blanket, ice/snow scraper, water and emergency kit in your

9) follow these safety tips if you have young kids

10) winterize your home

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, we are available at any time
to answer or address them for you and if you would like to receive the BJGE
daily news roundup, click here <> and then click on the "subscribe" link.


Hillary Clinton in Tajikistan

Friday, October 21, 2011

movies anybody?

Opening This Week:

<> Melancholia
★★★½ (out of ★★★★)

Now OnDemand, In Select Cities Nov 11 - Awesome special effects emulating
the terrifying splendor of the end of days collide with the more important
story in "Melancholia," an austere portrait of the varying reactions and
outlooks that people are apt to experience as they stare death irrefutably
in the face.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

Paranormal Activity 3
★★★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - Judged wholly on its own merits, "Paranormal Activity 3" one-
ups both of the previous films in quality and quantity of its scares.
Returning fans will get what they came for, and then some. As All Hallows'
Eve approaches, it's the ideal moviegoing choice for anyone yearning to get
into the holiday spirit.
<> Read
the Full Review >>

The Three Musketeers

Summit Entertainment did not screen "The Three Musketeers" for the press
here in the DC market. I will not be reviewing the film as I refuse to pay
inflated 3-D ticket prices for something that I have little interest in and
that the studio, apparently, has no confidence in.

<> The Woman
★★★½ (out of ★★★★)

Select Cities - In "The Woman," the suburban ennui of 1999's "American
Beauty" collides head-on with the graphically violent nature of 2005's
"High Tension," and the results are nothing short of excitingly unique,
deeply disturbing, and beautifully macabre. Why can't more films be as
proudly one-of-a-kind as this one? Lucky McKee makes it look so easy.
<> Read the Full Review

ⓒ 2011 Dustin Putman

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Graphic footage of Qaddafi's last few minutes

Over 800 worldwide newspaper front pages are just a click away

807 front pages from 81 countries are just a click away!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday evening bitch session!

Well, here we go. For years, many of you along with me have been engaged in
social media. Most if not all of us are in one way or another connected on
LinkedIn. I have nearly 11,000 first level contacts and if LinkedIn's
statistics are correct, in one way or another I am connected to millions of
people. Every month for the last six years, we write to LinkedIn requesting
an additional allotment of invitations so we can continue to grow our
networks. And in 48-72 hours, as LinkedIn's service standard states, the
additional invite allotment is provided and we are on our way to happy
networking. So, what's the bitch you ask? Well, three weeks ago, I went
through the same routine. A few days passed and I inquired on the status. A
few more days passed and I pressed the issue. Once again I am asked to be
patient and the matter will be dealt with in 48-72 hours. Two weeks have
passed with no action and you begin to see my frustration. So I ask for the
third time. Holy smokes! I get an email back telling me how busy they are
and perhaps it be better I drop the issue and request since enough time has
passed since the original email and THEY assume the matter resolved. You
have got to be kidding right! I think it's a practical joke....but...NO.
This is the real thing! Needless to say I inform them that the matter is not
resolved and I am still waiting to clear up my backlog of friends waiting to
join my network. Three more days have passed and not a word. So, I ask you,
have any of you experienced this nonsense? Write me at

Some good.......some not so good. You decide.

Dustin Putman's Movie Reviews

Opening This Week:

<> The Big Year
★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - Unsuspectingly miserable, a relatively low-key affair that
nevertheless manages to go wrong in every way while wasting a tip-top
ensemble of actors in throwaway parts. As funny as Alzheimer's and as
entertaining as catatonia, "The Big Year" is more pet peeve than pastime.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> Footloose
★★½ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - A generational update more than a re-imagining, the film
ultimately achieves what it sets out to do, winning over nostalgic fans of
the original while exposing younger audiences to a movie most of them
probably don't even realize is a remake.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> The Human
Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)
★★½ (out of ★★★★)

OnDemand & Select Cities - Make no mistake, this little cinematic burst of
savagery and bathroom pornography is as balls-out as its predecessor was
comparatively restrained. Like it or hate it, you can't say you weren't
<> Read the
Full Review >>

<> Take Shelter
★★★ (out of ★★★★)

Select Cities - "Take Shelter" is a psychological horror picture either
about a sick mind, the end of days, or both. Whatever the case, the film
blankets itself with a pall of hopelessness, kind of like a person's
inescapable tragic destiny barrelling straight for him or her.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> The Thing
★★★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - Minor quibbles aside, "The Thing" enraptures and impresses as
one of the better mainstream horror releases of the year. A creepy-crawly,
more-than-worthy companion piece to John Carpenter's superb 1982 sci-fi
<> Read the Full Review

ⓒ 2011 Dustin Putman

Thursday, October 13, 2011

insulation is in

Monday, October 10, 2011

October Virginia sunrise!

Friday, October 7, 2011

YOUR stimulus dollars at work......

And do I have a shovel ready job for you!

I think it's a good fall weekend for the movies!

Opening This Week:

<> Dirty Girl
★★★ (out of ★★★★)

Select Cities - The bedeviling writing-directing debut of Abe Sylvia,
"Dirty Girl" is what you get when an audience crowd-pleaser flies past its
indie roots and achieves success as a comedy, a drama, and an identifiable
slice-of-life without feeling the need to talk down to viewers.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> The Ides of
★★★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - A thoroughly absorbing thriller. Moodily photographed and
portentously scored, "The Ides of March" matches its memorable title in
sheer foreboding. Even when it is crossing well-worn paths, the film
engenders to leave its own stirring mark.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> Real Steel
★★ (out of ★★★★)

Nationwide - It's a competent family-drama-action hybrid, but there is not
enough heart-to-heart interaction between the two leads to wholly buy into
their eventual changeover from petulance to adoration. The dancing, fist-
throwing robots keep getting in the way.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

<> Weekend
★★½ (out of ★★★★)

OnDemand and Select Cities - Minimalist and gritty, the film's mumblecore
aesthetics are all firmly intact even if its narrative intentions are
bogged down by not bothering to confront the characters' very underlying
issues that may, in the long run, spell doom for their relationship.
<> Read the Full
Review >>

ⓒ 2011 Dustin Putman

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

God Bless you Steve Jobs

The world has lost a true genius.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Washington Monument

You couldn't pay me enough to do this!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Once again, the gang at Reston Sports and Health are demonstrating how out of touch they are and defining new levels of incompetence! Why, you ask? 6 TV's on. Redskins game-NO. MSNBC repeating 09 programming-yes! Internal TV station occupying 2 TV's playing awful music! ESPN-yes. CNN-but who cares? They just don't get it! Too bad options are limited, or else, it's BYE BYE!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Anthrax attacks-10 years later

For those of us who lived through the aftermath of the anthrax attacks, the
article is an interesting read, but doesn't go far enough. Hours, days,
months and years have passed, and many including myself are haunted with
memory of the sorrow in the faces of Joseph Curseen's and Thomas Morris'

Three guesses!

No! It's not! It is leaves and limbs built up over the years in
downspout drain lines. If you don't pay attention, water will end up in
your house!

Almost an all glass house!

Did you say you liked picture windows?

the chimney is capped!