<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/g/12_grey.htm> The Grey
★★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - To lay out the basic plot of "The Grey" is to make it sound
like an uninspired traipse through familiar territory, an amalgamation of a
dozen other movies tossed together. What a synopsis cannot describe is just
how skillfully made it is, and how unexpectedly evocative it gradually
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/g/12_grey.htm> Read the Full Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/m/12_manonaledge.htm> Man on a Ledge
★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - One moment of solitary reflection about "Man on a Ledge" and
the whole hamstrung thing crumbles. Still, taken on a scene-to-scene basis,
the film is not without its diversions. Coming less than a month into the
new year, prospective viewers would do wise to lower their expectations
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/m/12_manonaledge.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/o/12_oneforthemoney.htm> One for the
★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - The first film in what Lionsgate and Lakeshore Entertainment
would no doubt love to turn into a profitable ongoing series, "One for the
Money" clanks with tone-deaf clunkiness, woebegone enough to turn off even
fans of the book. No wonder they chose not to screen the finished product
in advance for review. "One for the Money" is a surefire example of inept
filmmaking, absolutely reeking of rote desperation.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/o/12_oneforthemoney.htm> Read the
Full Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/p/12_perfectsense.htm> Perfect Sense
★★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Now OnDemand, Select Cities Feb 3 - "Perfect Sense" is an expert study in
paranoia, the fleetingness of one's past, and the memories that make us who
we are. It all boils down to the connection between emotions and senses,
and the fuse that could so easily short-circuit if one of them cut off.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/p/12_perfectsense.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
ⓒ 2012 Dustin Putman
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