<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/d/12_devilinside.htm> The Devil Inside
★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - It's enough to make one want to break into the projector's
booth and burn the celluloid. The more the mind ponders "The Devil Inside,"
the more cheap, pointless and cockamamie it reveals itself to be. Horror
fans hoping to start 2012 with a bang are about to be in for a very rude
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/d/12_devilinside.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/n/12_norwegianwood.htm> Norwegian Wood
★★★ (out of ★★★★)
Select Cities - Low-key and sweeping, intimate and classically melodramatic,
"Norwegian Wood" never deviates from focus on its characters, but places
them within a tableau where falling in love and meeting an awful end are on
the same mounted-and expected-wavelength.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/n/12_norwegianwood.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
(c) 2012 Dustin Putman
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