A scary day today. After a two weeks of unrelenting fights with #Comcastsux
about my recent bill (increased 200%) and service (I would be better served
with dial up), the technician arrived this morning. After a quick
evaluation, he tells me that he is not a service technician. He can only
remove and replace equipment. Why you ask would I want new equipment?
Well, two years ago when the when #Comcastsux installed the equipment, they
put in the wrong stuff. Over the past year and one battle after another,
they cannot get it straight. Finally, I think we are going to solve the
problem. As the technician is talking to #Comcastsux on speakerphone, the
lady tell him that #Comcastsux's new rules won't allow for a simple
disconnect or swap our of boxes. So, what do I do now I politely ask? Dump
Comcast, sue them and go with Dish, Direct or FIOS says the technician.
Enough said.