Dustin Putman's Movie Reviews
Opening This Week:
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/c/13_call.htm> The Call
★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - Comes very close to being a top-notch effort in the vein of
1991's "The Silence of the Lambs." Then the finale arrives and certain
rails are sadly jumped. "The Call" is too good for too long to not be worth
recommending, but it's disappointing to see so much potential squandered
just for a dishonest twist and some cheap thrills.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/c/13_call.htm> Read the Full Review >>
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
★★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - An immensely funny comedy, and also a sweet one. It is rarer
than it may seem for a movie to come along that inspires not only a fairly
consistent stream of chuckles, but also a few well-earned guffaws along the
way. "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" is an unadulterated crowd-pleaser.
Read the Full Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/s/13_stoker.htm> Stoker
★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Select Cities - Old-fashioned and not entirely unexpected, the film doesn't
work very well as a mystery, but garners a creeping intrigue all the same
as the many faces of teenaged protagonist India Stoker are revealed.
"Stoker" curdles in the darkness of an adolescent's grotesque self-
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/s/13_stoker.htm> Read the Full Review
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/u/13_upsidedown.htm> Upside Down
★★★ (out of ★★★★)
Select Cities - So bold and unapologetic that one can easily overlook its
screenwriting deficiencies and leaps in logic. Even in those rare moments
when it doesn't live up to its ambitions, "Upside Down" is fresh and
frequently amazing, a film you don't watch so much as you happily drink in.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/u/13_upsidedown.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
ⓒ 2013 Dustin Putman
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