Dustin Putman's Movie Reviews
Opening This Week:
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/k/12_killingthemsoftly.htm> Killing
Them Softly
★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - A methodical slow-burn crime thriller, graphic spurts of
violence interspersed between memorably acerbic stretches of dialogue-rich
character exchanges. It's all rather self-indulgent and certainly on-the-
nose, but also knows how to keep the viewer's attention.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/k/12_killingthemsoftly.htm> Read the
Full Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/c/12_collection.htm> The Collection
★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - A rare sequel that ably tops the original in just about every
department. Trippier and more imaginative, if just as straightforward and
unburdened by complexity, the picture is sure to please fans and might even
win over some new ones.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/c/12_collection.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
ⓒ 2012 Dustin Putman
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