Monday, October 1, 2012

Human Trafficking - 21st Century Slavery: Faridoun Hemani at TEDx SugarLand

Take 20 minutes out of your day and watch this..............

Faridoun Hemani is a broadcast journalist, and founder of independent
production company Linx Productions. He has been in the television news
business for 35 years, and has covered major international stories around
the world -- from the assassination of President Sadat in 1981 for CNN, to
the civil war in Lebanon and events in India and Pakistan for ABC News, and
as the Bureau Chief for Central Eastern Europe for WTN (Worldwide Television
News), covered the revolutions of Central Europe, the violent breakup of
Yugoslavia, and the war in Iraq and Somalia. Today, Faridoun works with
organizations such as the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), the UN and
other international organizations covering stories of a social nature in the
developing world. In 2010, Faridoun co-produced a 6-part series on Human
Trafficking (as part of Moonbeam-Linx), that aired on BBC World Television.
The series was supported and funded by End Human Trafficking Now (EHTN), a
Geneva based organization that encourages businesses to take an active role
to stem this modern form of slavery.