The following information was prepared by our strategic partner-Felix Nater
and is being shared for your benefit.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Response Alert:
There has been several queries and inquiries relative to the Aurora Movie
Theater Shooting as it relates to Workplace Violence and Violence Response
Preparation. Organizations tend to design their Workplace Violence
Prevention initiatives around myths that it will never happen at their
workplace or that everything is fine. Assumptions based on statistic that
reflect a decline in homicidal acts of violence at work murky the decision
and commitment efforts. In reality, the single incident of a lone shooter
accounts for multiple wounded and killed though the actual reported
incidents may be down. Analysis of the public data will support my
You may find the attached link to a short video on confronting unlikely
situations useful or over the top (there is no blood). It was prepared by
the Department of Homeland Security as a guide. Though you may consider it
a bit much, reality and responsibility dictate that we stop sugar coating
the need for proper response, preparation and awareness. Nevertheless, I
would encourage everyone receiving this email to view the video and read my
Guest Blog comments provided to the Workplace Bullying Institute on Threat
Assessment and the handling of sensitive information.
Those Organizations who already have extensive plans in place have assured
their workforce of their commitment to worker safety and security. There is
still time to take robust, agile and proactive prevention and violence
response measures to minimize employee risk at their typical workplace or
away from their typical workplaces. Those Organizations who do not have a
Safe Harbor Room and Hostile Intruder Violence Response Policy and Plan
currently in place might want to consider contacting their experts or Nater
Associates, Ltd. for a consultation on the best approach to improving their
Violence Response in any workplace, business or public setting.
Remember, while every Workplace Violence Prevention effort should be unique,
Violence Response, Preparation and Execution should be achieved the same in
every setting. While viewing online training and video is cost effective,
nothing provides greater assurance than Violence Response training led by a
Facilitator. Online training and video can be used as supplemental and
reinforcement training as part of one's annual review of the procedures or
under your unique settings where a dispersed workforce complicates a
structured approach. An alternative to having an Onsite Facilitator at
every worksite is to use the individual as reinforcement training following
the viewing of the online and video training to answer employee specific
Video developed by the Department of Homeland Security -
<> (Source:
The Department of Homeland Security)
Guest Blog Comments by Felix Nater, Nater Associates on the topic of Threat
Assessment and Vital Information -
<> (Source: The Workplace
Bullying Institute)
Remember: When in PUBLIC PLACES or AWAY from your typical workplace and
there are GUN SHOTS, DO the following IMMEDIATELY:
1. Get out of the Threat Zone IF you can, as SWIFTLY as you can.
2. If you cannot REMOVE yourself from the Threat Zone TAKE immediate
protective measures: HIDE - Take COVER or CONCEAL yourself.
3. If you are near the SHOOTER, but have not been discovered, HIDE behind
anything, a solid object preferably until the threat passes. STAY IN PLACE
until the SHOOTER in neutralized.
4. If you are away from the SHOOTER and you can't summon the energy to
run, HIDE behind any object until you can remove yourself from the Threat
5. Contrary to what you may consider a natural Flight Response, DON"T
RUN as you may NOT KNOW the direction from where the shots are coming from.
6. ASSESS the situation first before you decide to RUN.
7. If you and your group/family decide to RUN. RUN in a crouched manner,
in a "zig zag" fashion towards an exit or away from the SHOOTER.
8. If you are separated from your group/family members, DO NOT go
searching for them. STAY IN PLACE.
9. Once you leave the public area, PAY ATTENTION to Police Commands. Do
not leave anything to chance. They will not know who you are.
10. RUN with your hands in the air. The Police Response will be
11. If Police tell you to DROP to the ground. Do so IMMEDIATELY!
12. Know that you will be DETAINED by the Police until the threat is
13. When in a public area, get used to always CARRYING your IDENTIFICATION
on your person.
14. If you encounter the Police inside the Threat Zone, DO NOT LEAVE your
hiding place to approach the Police.
15. You will be frightened. DO NOT RUN towards the Police in the Threat
(Source: Nater Associates, Ltd.)