Saturday, February 18, 2012
Whitney Houston
Like many of you, I grew up listening to and adoring Whitney Houston's music and make no mistake about the grief we all feel with her sudden death. And yes, another legend has been lost and she will be missed but her music will live on for ever in our hearts, ears and souls. Now that's said, I am angry at the "let's win the ratings" battle the news outlets have been in since her and other deaths of prominent musicians and artists. What I am really angry about is that these same so called news outlets have not bothered to report nor talk about the thousands who have laid their lives down in Iraq, Afghanistan and for that matter to even seriously discuss the plight of our returning veterans and especially of those who so valiantly fought in Vietnam. We are quick to brag about a new basketball star or celebrate the achievement of a Super Bowl win by a ticker tape parade and yes....Geeez even a visit to the White House. Isn't it sad that the only part of Washington DC some of our veterans will see is Arlington Cemetery as they lay their fallen comrades to rest or if they are wounded in action, "fortunate" enough to be at the Veterans Hospital in suburbs the Nations Capitol. Now I take nothing away from this day when Ms Houston is laid to final rest, but I ask the simple question, how many of our true heroes are also being laid to rest today, and does anyone care? I DO! And I think it's high time we recognized their achievements and sacrifices on Main Street instead of Wall Street and give these brave men and women the recognition that is long overdue!