<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/l/11_likecrazy.htm> Like Crazy
★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Select Cities - "Like Crazy" captures the transcendent emotions and one-of-
a-kind rush of being in love, but sidesteps the depth to match it. Films
are often criticized for being too long, but here's one that suffers from
being too brief and plot-centric. Who knows what an extra half-hour might
have bought the filmmakers.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/l/11_likecrazy.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/t/11_towerheist.htm> Tower Heist
★★½ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - "Tower Heist" moves with such a fleet foot, with such know-how
in interweaving its many cast members while using each one of them to their
strengths, that it pleases and entertains for just about every one of its
104 minutes. Rock-solid production values and a perilous third-act action
set-piece proving to be downright armrest-clinching only sweeten the pot.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/t/11_towerheist.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/v/11_vhk3dxmas.htm> A Very Harold &
Kumar 3D Christmas
★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas" knows and embraces its
coarse vulgarity. It clings joyously to its absurdity. Perhaps this viewer
has become a victim of desensitization, but what might have come off as
shocking a decade or less ago now has a bland, "been-there-done-that" air
to it. It's definitely not the gut-buster it thinks it is.
<http://www.dustinputman.com/reviews/v/11_vhk3dxmas.htm> Read the Full
Review >>
ⓒ 2011 Dustin Putman
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