Opening This Week:
<> Drive
★★★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - A godsend from the cinematic heavens-an air-tight,
stripped-down, heart-rending, blood-drenched, anxiety-fueled godsend, but a
godsend all the same. In a year of near-perpetual ennui at the multiplex,
"Drive," at long last, is a real, true, passionate motion picture to
replenish a doubting cinema lover's soul.
<> Read the Full Review
<> I Don't Know How She
Does It
★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - A slice-of-life that locates certain common truths about its
subject without daring to become the least bit hard-hitting. The film,
highlighted by another warm and vivacious performance from Sarah Jessica
Parker, remains pleasant but consistently rather bland, a light, low-key
Lifetime movie with an A-list star and wide theatrical distribution.
<> Read the Full Review
<> Straw Dogs
★★ (out of ★★★★)
Nationwide - The best remakes are the ones that take heed of what made their
predecessor work so well while having the courage to put some kind of new
spin on it. With "Straw Dogs," director Rod Lurie is so faithful to the past
movie that he practically cancels this one out. There is simply no point to
its existence.
<> Read the Full
Review >>
(c) 2011 Dustin Putman