Opening This Week: Bridesmaids Nationwide - A destined comedy classic. It takes a rousingly smart, thoughtful, imaginatively witty, all around fun side-splitter like "Bridesmaids" to really put into perspective just how sorely lacking the vast majority of mainstream studio comedies are in the twenty-first century. Hesher Select Cities - Anarchistic and blazingly human, "Hesher" hits a nerve that few movies ever do. As equal parts tough, touching and resolute as the renegade saving-grace of the title, "Hesher" is an uncommonly perceptive cinematic revolution. Priest Nationwide - So dispassionate and just plain shoddily made that it leaves one scratching their head over how director Scott Stewart could have gotten the job. The film is horror, sci-fi, western, and adventure, and it very nearly couldn't be any more bland and murky than it already is. "Priest" is an irritating, lifeless experience, so bad it sucks the fun right out of moviegoing. Skateland Select Cities - Paints a detailed, believable glimpse of the 1980s and has an impressively extensive soundtrack of decade-specific tunes to go with it. "Skateland" isn't just about the end of one's adolescence, it turns out, but the culmination of a particular time that is about to be gone forever. Troll Hunter OnDemand, In Select Cities June 10 - An ambitious treat of equal parts threat and whimsy. Bursting with ingenuity and simply stunning to look at, "Troll Hunter" stands as an example next to 2010's shoestring sensation "Monsters" of just how much bang indie filmmakers these days can get with their bucks. Hollywood, are you listening? |
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