Opening This Week: Arthur Nationwide - Even when it tries to be, it's almost never funny and eventually loses interest in even attempting such a feat. In a way, this is okay since it is the core romance that works best, but what goes on between these sweet scenes lacks interest, plausibility, and comes off as more than a little strained. Greta Gerwig, bless her, floats effortlessly into the film to almost single-handedly save the day. Hanna Nationwide - A B-movie with astonishing A-level aesthetics, "Hanna" is a decided example of style over substance, but, boy, what style it has. The grim, beautiful fairy tale that the crummy recent "Red Riding Hood" ought to have been, the picture is a dream of sumptuous art direction, set design, music, and editing. Visually and aurally, "Hanna" is a highlight so far in 2011. Soul Surfer Nationwide - As directed by Sean McNamara, the film remains overly glossy and could have benefitted from a tougher cinematic treatment, but its inspirational core and the sincerity of its portrayal of Bethany Hamilton remains. Even with its downsides, "Soul Surfer" perseveres as a well-meaning, heartfelt drama. Your Highness Nationwide - Filled to the gills with explicit scatologia, gay panic, physical slapstick, female ogling, and pot jokes, the movie is forever stuck within the mindframe of an immature high schooler who hasn't yet grown beyond a grade-school mentality. A limp misfire, depressing in its waste of talented filmmakers both in front of and behind the camera. |
© 2011 Dustin Putman |