Opening This Week:
Another Year
★★ (out of ★★★★)
The spare parts don't quite congeal into a satisfying whole. The viewer waits for a premise of some kind to take shape, but none does. The point of "Another Year" is in the title—this is just another average year for all, just like the one before and the one after—but that is not reason enough for the film to be so inert.
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No Strings Attached
★★★ (out of ★★★★)
Randy without being tawdry, sophisticated without feeling stifling, the film scurries through genre conventions even as the screenplay refuses to compromise its intelligence and appreciable eye for detail. Caustic before gradually letting down its defenses, "No Strings Attached" is as exceedingly modern in its premise as it is traditional in its destination. True love, no matter how it might begin, is funny like that.
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