Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are you prepared for violence in the workplace?

Are you prepared for violence in the workplace?
Felix (Phil) Nater, a strategic partner of BJ Global Enterprises, is leading a workshop to help you prepare and safeguard your workers. Sign up now —

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And they said it couldn't be done...

Three months ago, a client approached us and asked if we could build them a custom home. Not a strange request—until you consider the timing. They wanted to move in by June 17, 2010 to take advantage of the first-time home owners' tax credit. Sure, we said, only to find out that all the permits had not been secured and all we could see were four stakes in the forest marking the property line.

An impossible challenge, you say. Yes, by the accounts of many builders who looked at and passed on the job. Enter Shafic and the team at BJ Global Enterprises. Our "Mr. Fix-It" went into overdrive. "A promise is a promise," says my partner, and he is a man of his word. So very proud I am of his abilities, prouder still of the company's accomplishments, and ecstatic for the owners...look and see for yourself.

Two months into the project, we are almost finished and will turn the keys over to the owner as scheduled—on time and under budget!!!

The photographs below chronicle eight weeks of work. Check back ten days from now and see the finished product!!!